Part of becoming a parent is putting your child first. You might want to go to the movies to see an existential French drama in which Catherine Deneuve and Gérard Depardieu play a pair of lovers reunited after decades apart, but no… your child sure as heck won’t be interested (and is probably too young to read subtitles), so you go and see something made by Disney, and sit there as animated characters voiced by Hollywood celebrities sing songs and learn lessons. Your boredom will turn to delight as you see the happiness on your child’s face, which makes it all worthwhile. But as your children get a little older, start discovering the delights of solid food and aren’t reliant on you to change their nappies a few times a day, then it can be time to start thinking of your own interests. Perhaps you gave up work to raise your children, and you would like to go back on a part time basis? Perhaps you would like to take the opportunity to start an entirely new career? Or perhaps you would like to study something, simply to learn something new? There are many options when it comes to studying for business or pleasure.
Where Did The Time Go?
It’s commonly said that parenting is a full time job, but really, it’s so much more than that. When you finish work for the day, you can go home and effectively ignore your boss… but if you try doing that with your children, your neighbors are likely to call the police. Also, your boss is unlikely to harass you for money to buy sweets (well, hopefully not). Parenting is relentless, and while it’s a lot of work, it’s also a joy. Your children always need something, even when they get a little older, so it can be next to impossible to commit to – you simply don’t have the time.
Studying Around Your Schedule
A home learning college offers you the flexibility to learn when you have time, and this is often when your children are safely tucked into bed. There are no fixed lecture or tutorial times, and since most distance education options are offered in an online format, you simply log on and do your coursework when you have a moment to yourself. While it’s important to finish a course of study, your children come first, and distance learning allows for a reduced workload, meaning you’ll never have to worry about not being there for the kids.
Great For Your Career
If you are studying with a view to eventually returning to work, perhaps when your children start school, distance learning is a great step. A potential new employer will be impressed that you’ve made the effort to learn new processes and obtain a new qualification- keeping your career on track while you’re out of the workforce. Depending on the field you’ve worked in, or want to work in, is a great way to stay abreast of new developments, since many professions are in a constant state of evolution.
It won’t be easy, but gaining a new qualification while your kids are still young can make you feel great. And if they’re already old enough to go to the movies alone, you can stay home and do your coursework instead of suffering through yet another kids movie