Online Education decisions can be tricky. Stay on your online learning path by avoiding these common pitfalls.
It is normal that most people do not think before they select an online education program when compared with physical education program. They do not go deep into the research stage.
Online Education Importance
Many of the problems people face with regard to their e learning can be narrowed down to concerns about how to approach their online learning needs. Based on my interactions with non-traditional students, here are my picks for the top six career-learning missteps.
No Career Goal in Mind
Some people ask if they should go into business, architecture, IT or some other field. What they are really asking is: Is this field secure and lucrative? But they haven’t said anything about their desires and strengths, and while they may have enough interest in the field to suggest it, they haven’t researched the career possibilities.
When considering a field, look into the careers available and be honest with yourself about your interests. You should do a thorough examination of your work style, the subjects that interest you, the restrictions and demands of various careers, your lifestyle expectations and the long-term health of the industry you are choosing. Identifying a career goal provides focus and will inform your choice of Online Education Programs.
What’s Hot? Not!
If you employ a jump-on-the-bandwagon approach to career planning, be prepared to hate your next job within a year. Taking a job for a time because you have to pay the mortgage is perfectly understandable, but if you have to spend time and money to get your online education degree, certification or license for that job, stop and think. It makes no sense to invest money and energy in a Online Education Program you’ll want to abandon in a year.
Not Using Your Network
Career and education choices are big decisions, but you’re not the first person to make them. Many people — people you know or can talk with — have had to make similar decisions. Take advantage of their knowledge and experience:
Current and Former Colleagues: If you seek to advance your current career, you are literally surrounded by experts.
Your College: If you earned a degree, you may have also earned a lifetime supply of advice and contacts. Investigate your school’s alumni and career services via the Web or phone. Search for information on other alumni in particular fields of interest, or ask about talking to a career counselor.
Your Professional Associations: If you don’t belong to one, join one. Go to meetings and talk to the people in your field of choice. They have probably encountered the choices you face.
Your Personal Contacts: Are you an admin assistant who longs to become a chef? Email everyone you know and ask if they know a chef. Don’t be surprised if your best friend’s aunt’s next-door neighbor is head chef at some hot restaurant. Be sure to follow up.
Your Prospective Online Education Provider: These folks are biased, of course, but use admissions department resources to find out about programs and their success in preparing professionals for the workforce.
Apply for online College Classes – Too Narrow a Focus
Some people are so focused on getting a online education master’s degree or online education doctoral program to add to their resume that they fail to consider longer-term education needs. Do some research to find out what you don’t know and what you will next need to learn.
Seeing Only a Piece
With so many different learning experiences available, it can be hard to make comparisons. When comparing a traditional degree to an online degree, for example, list the components: course requirements, time commitment, resources available, costs, reputation and lifestyle implications. Know all your needs and what you are paying for before choosing.
Think before Online College Application
Making education decisions is always difficult. But don’t scrimp on the research that should go into the decision. Avoiding these six missteps will save you time and money, and help you secure the most productive and interesting education possible.