For the millions of job hunters around the world, regardless of geographical location and industry, there are two questions that constantly surface during the job hunt: what are employers looking for and what’s the best way for me to show that I’ve got “it”? Different recruiters and employers will say a variety of things, dependent on personal and professional preferences as well as the requirements of their industry. For example, a potential employer in the is looking for someone who can be vociferous and extroverted and creative, whereas an employer in the accounting field wouldn’t hold those traits in the highest regard.
Despite the differences in what employers and recruiters are looking for, there are some core requirements that are just good common sense in today’s hiring environment. With the dawn of more affordable tertiary education options, where someone could get away with 3 or 4 out of 10 stipulated requirements to get a job, today’s job market is not that friendly. Now, recruiters and employers are looking for applicants to meet above and beyond the requirements posted on the job description. The truth of the matter is that self-submitted resumes are not responded to with the same fervor in which they were received years ago. With a crowded job-seeking market and not enough jobs to go around, employers are looking for different things to qualify and disqualify some of the job-hunters in the vast sea of it all. The following are several tips that can help you fine tune your applications and give you a better chance at setting yourself apart from everyone else:
Employers are looking online for their new employees because the internet provides a wealth of resources that are quick, efficient and easily maneuvered. With sites like LinkedIn, you have the ability to post your credentials and work experience in the most flattering way possible and through some intuitive professional networking you can increase your visibility. It is however important that you manage your online reputation very closely because employers, once they find you on professional sites, will look for your presence elsewhere. Rest assured, if an employer or recruiter is interested in you, they will Google you. Are they going to be impressed or disturbed by what they find? That’s up to you and how well you address your online reputation management.
Fitting In
Employers and recruiters are looking for a good fit. While this may possibly be the most overused term of the decade, it means different things to different companies and businesses. They are looking for more than just people with the right credentials – they are looking for people who have worked in companies with the same climate. Fit means that when you are hired you will be able to engender the behavioral principles of this company without too much . Will you be comfortable and happy working with this company? Will you last if you were hired? Will you be the right fit?